Cynthia at
Dahhling I love you has tagged me. Which is just as well as I had no earthly idea about what else to blather about today. Signing up for Blogging 365 is one thing but keeping the blogs marginally interesting is a struggle and I'm not sure who will keel over first - me or you guys! Still, one day at a time.
4 Jobs I've Had:1. Milking cows - I suppose you could have called me a "cow girl"
2. Bulk Collection Operations Advisor - possible
the best job title ever!
3. Barmaid
4. PA
4 Movies I've watched over and over:1. Independence Day
2. The Crimson Pirate
3. The Green Mile
4. Steel Magnolias
4 Places I Have Lived:1.
Porthcawl, South Wales - the town where I grew up and possibly the butt-end of the universe. It has fantastic beaches making it very popular with tourists and surfers. Unfortunately all the visitors make it hell for the residents. It has a funfair called Coney Beach which is apparently modelled on New York City's Coney Island. Personally I think he resemblance ends with the name!
2. Cardigan, Penbrokeshire. I couldn't not mention this place as Cynthia has living here on her recent bucket list!
3. Surbiton. Made famous as the setting of the 70's sitcom "
The Good Life" although it wasn't actually filmed there!
4. Wimbledon. Home of the tennis and the
Wombles. And me.
4 Shows I Watch 1. NCIS
2. CSI (all of them)
3. Star Trek (currently Enterprise and DS9)
Grand DesignsI'm not a big telvision watcher but these are not to be missed programmes.
4 Places I've Been:1. Paris
2. Geneva
3. Brussels
4. Portugal
4 People Who E-mail Me Regularly:1. Paypal (as Treasurer of Greyhound Gap we receive a lot of donations via Paypal so I probably get more e-mails from them than anyone else)
2. My step-father
3. Blogger, notifying me of comments to my posts
4. Freecycle - I moderate our local freecycl group.
That's all a bit sad isn't it? But then I tend to use e-mail as a work tool rather than as a means of communication with friends. I tend to chat to them more on Skype or on our own message boards.
4 Favorite Things to Eat:1. Cheese
2. Chocolate
3. Roast lamb
4. Roast parsnips
4 Places I'd Rather Be:1. Where I am now, I love it here on the Common
2. Out walking with The Lurchers
The Port William Inn, North Cornwall. It's a pub perched on a cliff where you can sit with a beer and watch the waves come crashing in.
Carreg Cennen Castle. One of my favourite places. I sat up here to finish reading Lord of the Rings. I love old castles and this one so atmospheric.

4 Things I Look Forward To This Year1. Reaching the end of it in one piece
2. Finally giving up smoking
3. Our holiday in October
4. Getting the cottage finished.
I have also been given
another award! Lisa at Lisa's Chaos gave me this one! Thank you Lisa and Happy Birthday! As I dished out a few yesterday I shall save this one for next week and pass it out on Valentine's Day!