Sunday, 7 December 2008

The evidence

OK, Janet wanted to see the pictures of the disastrous Christmas decoration making attempt, so I salvaged them out of the bin......

You see? Disaster!

However, after I wrote my blog yesterday, I decided to have another go with some of the salt dough I had left.

The result is still not pretty, and they do still need tidying up around the edges, but you can just about see the glitter in them and I think they are sort of good enough to hang on my tree with some satin ribbon to set them off.

They do have a certain rustic charm don't you think? *said whilst snorting with laughter*


  1. well, i DO understand your disgust over the first round (and i feel SO much better about my less-than-stellar skills!).

    but the redo looks good. be proud of your efforts! :-)

  2. Yes, the redo looks fine!

    Now, I want to try it...LOL How do I do it?!

  3. I remember making salt dough raggedy anns with my eldest. Little ones to hang on the tree.

    I think I may still have one tucked away in our decorations.

  4. A little sandpaper and a ribbon hanger and they'll look good.

    I used to have two books on salt dough creations. I bought them because I had this idea of making and decorating masks to hang on the wall. I didn't get past the first try at ornaments. Mine looked a lot like your ones from the bin.

  5. they resemble how my cookies look!!!!!!!!!! but the redos are cute!!!


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