Saturday, 17 May 2008

It must be healthy, mustn't it?

If you buy something from a health food shop, it must be healthy, yes? Stands to reason doesn't it otherwise why would it be called a health food shop?

Good. I'm glad you're with me on that.

So, following that logic, Sesame Snaps covered in yogurt, Thai Chilli Bites and Japanese Rice Crackers must be good for me as I bought them in a health food shop, yes?

Good. That's alright then.

Can you tell the diet really isn't going well?


  1. We'll let you convince yourself they are healthy!!

  2. You can get sesame snaps covered in yogurt?? I am SO jealous!!

  3. Well, yes. But what we have to watch is quanity, not quality. Silly goose.

  4. Cheers Chris!

    We can Joy, would you like some? E-mail me your address and I'll send you some. We have chocolate covered ones as well!

    Ahh yes. Quantity. Mmmmm.

  5. I bought a bag of chocolate-covered English toffee today at the Co-op. All organic ingredients. I'm sure it's very healthy.

  6. Sounds healthy. How do they taste?

  7. I LOVE Japanese Rice Crackers!

  8. Of course it's all healthy, otherwise they'd fall foul of the Trades Descriptions Act. The more you scoff the healthier you becme. QED.

  9. Yooo-hoooo? I'll have some of those sesame snaps with yoghurt please and thank you very much!


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