We went to a jumble sale today. Jumble sales are quite rare these days given the public's prediliction for car boot sales but our local church hosted one today, conveniently situate 100yds down the road.
OH is a painter/decorator so most of his work clothes come via jumble sales or are cast off by friends. He must be one of the few painter/decorators to go to work in Versace jeans and Ralph Lauren shirts! So he stocked up today and is very happy.
A few other bargains were to be found as well. A duvet for use as a dog bed - £1. A beautiful set of bone-handled fish knives and forks, resplendent in a velvet lined box for 50p. A set of 6 african batique cushion covers for 50p. A whole bagful of stuffed toys for The Lurchers, which should last all of, oh, 10 minutes before becoming de-stuffed toys, for 50p. And OH bought a fabulous pair of biking leathers and helmet for a quid! That's for the day he gets a motorbike again. He will one day. I know this because he keeps telling me so. Often.
So a successful day on the whole. OH has gone off to the party and me and The Lurchers are about to curl up in front of CSI. Why do I always time it so I'm eating whilst watching CSI? I can't think of a worse programme to eat to!
Having a human body is bullshit
So I’ve written before about the fact that I have vasovagal syncope
(although I’m not sure I’ve ever used the technical term for it) but it’s
basically whe...
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