OK, so I've left this a little late, but it is still Monday. Just.
Our host for this week is my lovely blogging buddy Jan over at
The Prytz Family and this is our assignment
What is the quirkiest thing in your home that you will never give away?Before we moved into this cottage, the ex-Himself and I had lots of quirky things. Many of them had to go as there simply wasn't the room. Many of the quirky things that did come, went when he left. But I do have one quirky thing left. A clock.

This was my Mum's clock and she gave it to me about 12 years ago because she had nowhere to put it when she moved and my step-father wasn't too enamoured of the chimes. Oh yes....it chimes. A real ding dong chime. And it's loud. I grew up with this clock and fell asleep to it's rhythmic tick tocking, because it really tick tocks as well.
My Mum scrimped and saved to buy this clock. Mum was a single parent and there wasn't much money spare for non-essentials but a jewellery and clock shop in the town where we lived let you pay an amount every week and then when you'd paid the full amount, whatever you were saving for was yours. And Mum did just that. And because of that, it holds a special place in my heart. It's not an antique, it's just a reproduction, but it is probably about 20 odd years old now.
So what's quirky about a clock?
You see that it says 8 o'clock? Well, it's said 8 o'clock for as long as I can remember! When I lived in the flat, ex-Himself wasn't too keen on the chimes either. So it stopped at 8' o'clock one day and there it stayed. You can wind it up so that the chimes don't sound but I never figured out how to do it. So it came to the cottage, was hung on the wall and still says 8 o'clock! I would love to get it going again but the problem I have here is that it hangs right next to the wall that divides this room from my neighbours bedroom and the walls are not that thick. I can't see the neighbours being very keen on the chimes at 2am somehow. And there's nowhere else to hang it.
At least it tells the right time twice a day!