Our host for Fun Monday this week is Cassie, the lovely daughter of Alison over at
RDHMom and this is our assignment:
I want to see the inside of your closet!! I want to see if your closet is as messy as mine!!! You can't organize it before you take the picture!!Closets. Hmmmm....I am seriously lacking in the closet department. Not that I don't have anything to fill a closet, I do. Lots in fact! It's just that I don't have much in the way of actual closet space. Most of you have seen pictures of my bedroom showing the bed, what you haven't seen is the bedroom from the other side, that is, what I see when I'm lying in bed. Well, this is it.

As you can see, closet space is lacking. To the right I have a single wardrobe (as we call them over here in the UK), in the middle is a chest of drawers and, in the only other possible place for storage, I have two full shelves of wicker baskets holding everything else.
So, let's get up close and personal.
In the baskets are evening clothes, winter woolies and all other clothes that aren't worn too often. Also in the baskets is bed linen, towels and throws. The pink box contains my long boots. The other pair of long boots are, for some reason, not on the shelf but hiding behind my bedside cabinet. I also need a step-ladder to get to the top shelf.
Inside the wardrobe: Shirts, smart trousers and jackets and skirts

The shoes I don't wear very often (all the others are in the hall cupboard)

The chest of drawers (I've not photographed my underwear drawers. You really don't need to see those do you!?)


More t-shirts and jimjams!

Jeans & Trousers

More jeans and trousers and sweatshirts!

Now head over to RDHMom to see who else is taking part in Cassie's Fun Monday!