A very satisfying day today. Had a lovely walk with The Lurchers this morning which they thoroughly enjoyed and from which they are still pooped - which is good news as Lurcher No.1 has been a little out of sorts for the last few days.
I have baked a loaf of bread, made a batch of scones, an apple pie, a batch of pasties and have a stew simmering in the slowcooker. I've hand-washed one of The Lurcher's duvets (£6 duvet from Asda is a lot cheaper than a "proper" dog bed!), tidied up a bit, moved along apace in PD4 and sorted out some of the accounts for Greyhound Gap. Plus all the trough boxes for OH, me and The Lurchers are done and ready to walk out of the door with in the morning. Hah! Stepford Wives move over, Angela coming through!
I also had my shopping delivered by Tesco this morning. I positively hate shopping and getting someone to trudge round the superstore with a wonky trolley amidst the Sunday morning hordes, queue at the checkout, bag up the groceries, load them up and deliver them to my door is well worth £5 of my money. They are usually pretty good at delivering what I ask for, unless I forget to check the "no substitutes" box, then unloading the shopping can be a bit of a magical mystery tour through the carrier bags.
As I was unpacking the bags this morning, I was a little miffed to find a huge 2KG bag of Tilda basmati rice and a tube of Heinz tomato puree. Now, I am very much a Tesco own label kind of person and the hairs stood up at the back of my neck at the thought of how much those two items were going to cost me, especially as they weren't even substitutes as I hadn't ordered any rice or tomato puree. On top of that, my Canteloupe melon was missing! On checking the delivery note, it seems I have been charged for said missing Canteloupe melon, but I haven't been charged for the rice and the puree. Given that I appear to be quids in, I stifled my initial desire to reach for the phone and complain and thought that as I was having such a satisfying day, I would, out of the goodness of my heart, forgive them on this occasion. Ahem.
I just feel sorry for the person who unloaded their bags and found themselves with a Canteloupe melon they hadn't bought and missing a bag of Basmati rice and Heinz tomato puree that they had. Oh well....I shall let them complain!
But that leads me to another gripe about Tesco home delivery. Now I like carrier bags, it saves me having to buy bags to fit the rubbish bin, and I'm very keen on recycling, but Tesco took this to the extreme this morning. Amidst the loaded carrier bags were 8 bags that only had one item each in them. They weren't big items, one was a tube of toothpaste, another a lump of cheddar, and other such small items. It makes you wonder what's going through the minds of the Tesco staff as they pack up the shopping doesn't it??
I have also managed to fix the digibox. For a few weeks now we have have been having reception problems, to the point where the freeview channels have been unwatchable, and the terrestrial not much better. During the last few days I have re-booted it (very nearly hard out of the window) and re-scanned it and today I was about to launch a major re-installation. In the meantime, our landlord had checked with the neighbours that they hadn't done anything to our shared aerial and OH was up on the roof checking that the aerial connection wasn't sitting in a puddle of water. So back to the major re-installation, as I moved the box to unplug the aerial, I noticed that one of the Scart leads wasn't in it's hole properly. Funny, but since I put the lead back in, it's all worked fine and dandy. *embarrassed titter*
Having a human body is bullshit
So I’ve written before about the fact that I have vasovagal syncope
(although I’m not sure I’ve ever used the technical term for it) but it’s
basically whe...
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