We were due to leave the house at about 7.30pm to get over to friends for the dinner at about 8-ish. I got out of the shower at about 6.45pm and, for once, had decided what I was going to wear in advance - wool skirt, black top and boots - dressier than usual but not over-dressed. So I got the iron out and ironed what I needed, looked up and noticed what OH was wearing. His DJ.
"Errr....is there something you've forgotten to tell me?"
"No, it's come-as-you-are but I thought it would be fun to wear my DJ as I haven't worn it for so long"
Immediate panic over, I think "that's a cool idea" and then think it would be fun for me to dress up in evening wear to! I have two evening wear outfits. One, I discover, is two sizes too big and the other, which only just fitted last time I wore it, was still a bit on the small side and I would have been in danger of losing my dignity all over my dinner plate if not careful. That prompted a minor strop and the "taking-clothes-out-of-the-wardrobe-and-discarding-them-in-a-pile-on -the-floor" scenario whilst I tried to find something else suitably eveningy to wear.
Half an hour later I admitted defeat and went back to wearing what I had originally decided to wear. Which was just as well as the other men were all in jeans and the women wearing the same as me - skirts and boots.
OH had the decency to apologise and, you have to admit, he does look rather fetching doesn't he?
I have also decided to get rid of everything that I don't wear, or am never likely to wear, and start again. It means going shopping, which I find hugely depressing, but I will take a friend with me who will be brutally honest about what does and doesn't suit me. My aim is to make sure I have at least one something to wear for any given occasion. At the moment, as long as I can wear jeans and a t-shirt I'm covered but if it's anything else, I have nothing to wear!
And that leads me on to something I keep meaning to tell you about......I have discovered the joys of freecycling. It's absolutely brilliant! So far I have found a home for my exercise bike, some books and a bag of clothes I no longer needed (see above). I have also given a home to some cushions and a brand new pair of Ikea curtains. If you haven't tried it, go check it out. it will provide hours of endless, and mindless, entertainment!
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