You remember I mentioned here that I had done something I was incredibly proud of? Well, I can tell you what it is now. Or rather, I can show you. It was taking this photograph:

OK, I realise that in the grand scheme of things it doesn't measure up to achieving world peace or finding a cure for cancer but, in my little world, this was a major achievement. I take a lot of photographs and 80% are crap, 15% are mediocre and the rest are OK. Sometimes I set out to take a particular photograph but the reality of what I shoot never matches up to what I am picturing in my mind's eye. But for once, I achieved what I set out to achieve. And I'm very proud of that!
It was taken for a photo competition at Pixalo and the theme was "Silhouette"..which I think I managed to achieve!
Edited to add.....the other members voted me into first place!! I am so excited!!

OK, I realise that in the grand scheme of things it doesn't measure up to achieving world peace or finding a cure for cancer but, in my little world, this was a major achievement. I take a lot of photographs and 80% are crap, 15% are mediocre and the rest are OK. Sometimes I set out to take a particular photograph but the reality of what I shoot never matches up to what I am picturing in my mind's eye. But for once, I achieved what I set out to achieve. And I'm very proud of that!
It was taken for a photo competition at Pixalo and the theme was "Silhouette"..which I think I managed to achieve!
Edited to add.....the other members voted me into first place!! I am so excited!!