....it wasn't a problem with the washing machine. It was a problem with the operator. Ahem.
You see, the other night, our water pressure dropped quite dramatically just as the washing machine was about to go into its rinse and spin cycle. This resulted in the machine having a minor hissy fit and flashing all its lights at me. Once the pressure came back later that evening, I turned the dial to a rinse and spin cycle to finish off the wash. You can see where this is going can't you? You see, the dial looked like it was pointing to the normal wash cycle that I use, when it fact, it was still pointing to the rinse and spin cycle, which just happens to be directly opposite the normal cycle.
Yes, Togdom strikes again.
In other news, back to the Royal Marsden for another check-up this morning. They were quite happy that I had increased my Thyroxin dosage back to where it was before they dropped it two months ago. They accepted without argument that, despite what the blood tests showed, I felt like crap. Which was very good of them and did surprise me a bit!
More tests loom though. This "illness", for want of a better word, does make one more susceptible to osteoporosis so I have to have a bone scan to make sure everything is OK with my bones.
Finally the weather got better and we felt good, unfortunately it was still
too cold to sit outside. On Tuesday there was a big party! Jeannie turned
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