Last night I had a nightmare. I suspect it was brought on by Lost being on the TV when I went to sleep but I, and a lot of other people, were in a ruined building in what seemed to be a jungle-like place. In the background was a terrifying drum beat making a boom boom, boom boom noise, and we were all cowering waiting for it to stop. When it did, we all got up to run to safety, but no sooner had we got up than it started again. So we all ran back to our cover and started cowering again....I guess with that very childlike concept that ifyou can't see whatever it is then it won't see you.
At that point I woke up, but in that split second of realising I was awake, I also realised that I could still hear that drum beat, boom boom, boom boom. I was absolutely terrified. It was only when I lifted the pillow off my head (don't ask, I just sometimes sleep that way), I realised that the beat was actually OH gently snoring and with the pillow over my head, it was reverberating through the bed. It still took a while for my heartrate to slow down and I've felt out of sorts all day.
I had another vivid dream last week. So vivid in fact that it is still with me. In the dream I was with my cousins and we were visiting a house that, I knew well in my dream, although awake it meant nothing to me. There were some friends of theirs there and one chap I seemingly knew well and it appeared that he loved me and cared for me a great deal. It was a very pleasant dream and when I awoke I was left with the feeling that, in my dream at least, I knew what it felt like to be loved unconditionally by another human being. It's a feeling I cling to still.
Having a human body is bullshit
So I’ve written before about the fact that I have vasovagal syncope
(although I’m not sure I’ve ever used the technical term for it) but it’s
basically whe...
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