Last Friday was OH's 50th Birthday. Despite his best efforts and his certainty from an early age that he would not get to the age of 50 (due to a mis-spent youth), he did manage to reach this milestone pretty much intact. OK, the teeth have almost gone, the lungs are probably shot to pieces and the body won't necessarily do what he wants it to without bits of it hurting but, all in all, he's in pretty good shape.
We didn't do too much celebrating on Friday as we were rushing around trying to get the cottage straight for the deluge of visitors we were expecting. So I cooked him a nice steak dinner and we had a relaxing evening instead.
Saturday morning and my parents arrived with Millie the Whippet and they were swiftly followed by my friend Niki, my aunt and my cousin and a couple of other friends, Mike and Ginny.
I'm going to digress here a bit. My aunt and cousin were staying in a local hotel. A very expensive local hotel. In fact, the poshest and most expensive hotel in the area. They were sharing a twin room and, on arrival, checked in under my aunt's name, Jones. It appeared that the staff akinned that to them checking in under the name "Smith", something they both found to be hugely amusing and didn't dispel because it was such a hoot!!
I served up a big chilli for a late lunch and then mad dash for us all to get into our glad rags for the party. I was nervous that no-one would turn up, worried about whether there would be enough food and whether anyone would dance to the disco. I needn't have. 85 people turned up, the food was delicious and plentiful and everyone boogied on down until the early hours! It was, if I say so myself, a complete and utter success and OH had the time of his life!
Some piccies
Him and me!

Me and Him with the birthday cake, wot was made by OH's brother and, although you can't see it properly, had icing models of The Lurchers on it and it was brilliant (thank you Jim)!

My Mum and Him - I have no idea why he was looking at her like that!

Him and my cousin Rich, who got very drunk and talked to everyone, regardless of whether he knew them or not and, in his words "whether they wanted me to talk to them or not!". Rich was a one man riot and everyone loved him!

At one point in the evening, Rich insisted that, as my shoes were killing me, I should try wearing his instead. And then, for reasons best known to herself, my aunt wanted a picture of my shoes! Hey, that's family for you!

Our good mate Mr Howell boogying on down! He took the "Black Tie" dress code literally and looked like he was going to a funeral, but assured us that he had always wanted to look like something from "Men in Black". I worry about you Mr Howell, I really do!!
OH dancing with his sister (excuse crap photo quality)
Twas a fine night and one we shall remember for some time to come!
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