On holiday I might be but today is one of those days for curling up on the sofa with a good book...or as we have Sky here, curling up on the sofa watching Star Trek! It is absolutely persisting down here and it's in for the day so seemed as good a time as any to catch up on the blogging.
We're house sitting for some friends who have a small-holding so we have horses, rabbits, chickens and sheep to look after as well. We would have a cat but The Lurchers seem to have scared her off and she hasn't been seen since Monday, which is starting to worry me a bit now. But cats are resourceful creatures so with any luck she's holed up in the hay barn.
My days are pretty much the same, get up and get dressed. Put on wellies and go out and let the chickens out, feed them and collect the eggs. Prepare a little feed for two of the horses and go out to the paddock to feed them, give cuddles and make sure rugs are all on straight. Count the sheep in the next paddock. Come back, grabbing a handful of grass and leaves on the way, and go see to the rabbits. Lunchtime, go check on the horses and go see if there are any more eggs to collect. Evening, feed chickens, check on horses, count the sheep, then at dusk, put the chickens away. In between, walk the Lurchers, either round the "grounds" or somewhere local for a change, then laze about reading the paper, doping the crossword or reading.
Sounds idyllic? Oh it is! Most of the time. The weather so far has been pretty foul, with bouts of nice sunshine in between although I don't think we'll see any sunshine today. It gets a little less idyllic when you have to worry about a cantakerous old mare that won't let you put a rug on her when it's peeing down and today, we have a poorly chicken. Cantakerous old mare finally let herself be rugged, but I'm not sure what's wrong with the chicken. She sort of stood up and then sank slowly back down again with a bit of a slant to the right. FIngers crossed it's nothing serious - maybe she's just a bit dazed from falling off a perch or something....hopefully.
Having a human body is bullshit
So I’ve written before about the fact that I have vasovagal syncope
(although I’m not sure I’ve ever used the technical term for it) but it’s
basically whe...
ReplyDeleteSorry for may bad english because i'm french.
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