I am so damn tired I can't think straight. I won't bore you with the details as it will turn into a self-pitying ramble which no-one will find interesting. Suffice to say that whilst I appear to be sleeping all night, I certainly don't wake up in the mornning feeling like I've slept all night.
But, as this blog is as much as a diary for me as it is for anyone else to read, I shall note the details without emotion or comment.
2nd July - drive alone from London to Cornwall
2nd & 3rd July - get very little sleep and have a very emotional few days
4th July - drive alone back to London from Cornwall and try to catch up on some sleep
Rest of the week - try to get everything ready for the Stables
Open Day and get all the Board papers together.
9th July - Work in the morning and Greyhound Gap Stall at Battersea Old Windsor in the afternoon
10th July - Wimbledon Common Stables Open Day
10th July Evening - Staff bbq to unwind.
11th July evening - Board meeting
And it's not finished yet....
Having a human body is bullshit
So I’ve written before about the fact that I have vasovagal syncope
(although I’m not sure I’ve ever used the technical term for it) but it’s
basically whe...
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