Well, not exactly a new blog but having taken most on 2009 out from blogging, I thought it was high time to start again.
The New Year has started on a tiring note. The Parents came to stay. Need I say more? Probably not but I will anyway otherwise there wouldn't be any point in mentioning it would there?
It was an uneventful stay - apart from one of The Parent's whippets ripping off a dew claw this morning and leaving a trail of blood all over the furniture, and doing the "woe is me". No other dog can do "woe is me" quite like a whippet. Nor act as if you were trying to kill them by slow and torturous methods when all you're trying to do is clean the wound and get some vet wrap on it.
Much as I love The Parents dearly, the problem with having visitors is that it is exhausting. You spend two days cleaning, changing beds, washing everything and shopping in preparation for the visit (and why do you always miss that one bloody huge cobweb that should have been obvious?) and then you spend two days in a constant frenzy of cooking, making copious amounts of tea and coffee, clearing up dishes and trying to keep on top of everything. And then, once they leave, you spend two days cleaning, changing beds, washing everything and shopping for more food because you've been eaten out of house and home.
Happy New Year everyone!
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
Every few months I go into my notes app on my phone to look at all of the
reminders that I’ve written to myself that I have forgotten to do and
inevitably ...