What a complete and total mess. Through my own complete stupidity, I have a acquired a virus on my computer. I received an e-mail from a friends rentitled "photos", thinking she was sending me some hilarious exploit photo I clicked on the attachment. Within a nanosecond I realised it was an .exe file and within 2 nanaoseconds had turned off my computer. Too late. The virus is in and I'm buggered. I can only be thankful that my tardiness last weekend stopped me from buying a new computer as I would be even more annoyed with myself if it had been my new computer that I had infected. *sigh* Not a happy bunny at the moment.
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
Every few months I go into my notes app on my phone to look at all of the
reminders that I’ve written to myself that I have forgotten to do and
inevitably ...